Sumaleth's Coranto Help Pages.

How ViewNews.cgi/SearchNews.cgi Work  
1. Add News
You've already added news, right?

2. The Coranto Database
And the news is waiting patiently in the Coranto Database.

3. ViewNews/SearchNews
This is where VN and SN differ from the usual way Coranto works. Usually it's you - the administrator - who chooses when web-content gets generated from the Coranto Database (by clicking 'Build'), but with VN/SN it's the end-user who instigates a build by clicking a link on your web site. The link - whether it's a ViewNews URL or a SearchNews form - gets the news items it needs directly from the Database.

4. Styles
It then builds the chosen news items using the configured Style.

5. Templates
And then places the built-news into a template page. Unlike regular Coranto news, Templates are required with VN/SN.

6. Display Results
Also unlike regular Coranto news, news items viewed with VN/SN are rendered directly to the screen; there are no files built in your News directory.

ViewNews is great for linking from Headlines to full News items on small web sites, but if you have a large news database (newsdat.txt) and/or a lot of daily hits then the constant re-building severely taxes the server. For Headline links on big sites, a safer solution is the Maginot Line addon.

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